The Eleventh International Conference on Climate Change in Essen, Germany from December 11-12, 2015

The Heartland Institute partnered with the Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) to host the Eleventh International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-11) at the Haus der Technik in Essen, Germany, on December 11 and 12, 2015. The event was also EIKE's Ninth International Conference on Climate and Energy.
This is the third time The Heartland Institute has hosted a climate conference outside the United States. The Fifth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-5) was held in Sydney, Australia in 2010; and the Eighth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-8) was held in Munich, Germany (with EIKE) in 2012.
Heartland Senior Fellow and Vice President James Taylor presented a talk on “green” lobby groups in the United States and Europe, and Heartland Research Fellow Isaac Orr presented on the “Environmental and Economic Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing.” See a PDF copy of the conference program here.
“The scientific evidence grows stronger every year that greenhouse gas emissions are having modest and beneficial impact on global climate,” said James Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy and vice president for external relations at The Heartland Institute before the conference. “Just days after the United Nations hosts a conference in Paris to create a political document addressing a nonexistent crisis, experts from around the world will present a more realistic perspective in Essen, Germany. The UN in Paris will appeal to the lowest common denominator – unjustified fear – while ICCC-11 in Essen will appeal to the highest common denominator: science.”