Howard Hayden

A Colorado native, Dr. Hayden entered the University of Denver as an engineering major, but soon discovered that he wasn’t temperamentally suited to all that reality. He switched to physics and went on to earn his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. at DU.
On receiving his Ph.D., he went to the University of Connecticut where he spent 32 years doing teaching and research. He did accelerator-based atomic physics, including measurements of cross-sections for various processes, measurements of energy loss in atomic collisions and of lifetimes of excited states, beam-foil spectroscopy, and ion implantation. He also performed a Trouton-Noble experiment that was 105 times as sensitive as the original.
His research interests include ionic and atomic collisions, charge transfer, ionization, energy loss, energy-level crossings, ion-surface collisions, ion implantation, relativity considerations, and energy for society (fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro, wind, biomass, photovoltaics, solar heating).
He is the author of, among other publications, The Solar Fraud: Why Solar Energy Won’t Run the World (Vales Lake Publishing LLC, 2002, 2d edition 2005), A Primer on CO2 and Climate(Vales Lake Publishing LLC, 2007), A Primer on Renewable Energy (Vales Lake Publishing, LLC), and Bass Ackwards: How Climate Alarmists Confuse Cause with Effect (Vales Lake Publishing, LLC).