Carlo Stagnaro, Ph.D. is research and studies director at Istituto Bruno Leoni, Italy’s free-market think tank. An environmental engineer, he has been working extensively on issues such as the economics of climate change, energy economics, energy security, and privatization and liberalization processes, particularly in the energy sector. His latest edited book is Il mercato del gas naturale (2009), on the liberalization of the European Union natural gas market, with a preface by Alessandro Ortis, Italy’s energy regulator. He is the editor of the Liberalization Index, an annual report on the degree of liberalization in several key sectors of the Italian economy as compared with the most liberalized EU member states. He is member of the editorial board of the Energia quarterly journal, as well as a member of the scientific committee of the Festival dell’Energia and the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi. He is a columnist for the Italian daily magazine Il Foglio.