The Heartland Institute's First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-1) took place in March 2008 in New York City.
One hundred speakers and panelists came from 26 countries to prove that leading scientists and economists from around the world dispute the claim that global warming is a crisis. More than 500 people attended the conference, which generated global press attention.
Featured speakers for this unique and debate-changing conference included Czech President Vaclav Klaus, S. Fred Singer, William Gray, Bob Carter, Dennis Avery, Kesten Green, Madhav Khandekar, Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, Patrick Michaels, Christopher Monckton, Willie Soon, John Stossel, Roy Spencer, Anthony Watts, David Tuerck, Ross McKitrick, Anthony Watts, and Gerd-Rainer Weber.
Download the program here.