“Global Warming Goes Wacky: How the Media Promotes Claims Akin to Medieval Witchcraft”

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Marc Morano is the executive editor and chief correspondent for the award-winning ClimateDepot.com, a global warming and eco-news center founded in 2009. Morano was named one of only five ‘criminals against humanity, against planet Earth itself” in 2009 by the eco-magazine Grist. (The other five criminals were Bjorn Lomborg, Richard Lindzen, Sen. James Inhofe and former President George Bush.) Newsweek Magazine declared Morano “is quickly becoming King of the skeptics!” in December 2009. Newsweek called Climate Depot the “most popular denial site.” Tina Brown’s Daily Beast also recognized Morano as one of the “The Right’s Top 25 Journalists” who serves as a “bombastic foe of the Greens.” Daily Beast described Climate Depot as “a bustling, one-stop-shop for climate skeptics.”

Click here for more information and presentations by Marc Morano.